UWW-TV Hosts Anchor Auditions for Fall 2017!

UWW-TV Auditions

Are you a news or sports junky? Do you like watching television? Do you like seeing yourself on television? Well, UWW-TV wants to see what you’ve got! On Thursday, September 14th, and Tuesday, September 19th, from 7:00 – 10:00 pm, UWW-TV is hosting auditions for fresh anchor and on-air talent for campus broadcasting in Conover Studio (Anderson Library Room 1215).

We are searching for:News/Sports Anchors, Sports Play-by-Play Broadcasters, Arts & Entertainment Anchors, and Specialty Show Hosts. So if this opportunity for campus, television stardom interests you, make sure you reserve audition spot in the Anderson Library in Room 1208.


Stop by Anderson 1208!


Call or Email Jim Mead  at 262-472-5659 or meadj@uww.edu

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