UWW-TV Broadcasting Warhawk Men’s Basketball This Wednesday LIVE!

The University of Wisconsin Whitewater Men’s Basketball team will be facing the University of Wisconsin Platteville inside of Kachel Gymnasium at 7:00 PM CST. The University of Wisconsin Whitewater Warhawks have a record of 7 wins and 13 losses. Going into this conference match-up the Warhawks have a conference record of 2 wins and 8 losses. On the other hand, the University of Wisconsin Platteville Pioneers have a record of 18 wins and 3 losses. The Pioneers have a conference record of 8 wins and 2 losses. Coverage will start at 6:30 pm CST for Warhawk Sports Wednesday LIVE at Conover Studios. Tune into all of this conference basketball action on channel 100.1 on campus, channel 989 on Spectrum Digital, or live stream the game at reslife.uww.edu/stream.

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