City of Whitewater Electronic Recycling Event
The city of Whitewater is holding an Electronic Recycling Event on Saturday, May 23, 2020, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, located at LOT B (across from the Train Depot and Cravath Lakefront).
Items they will charge to dispose include: All TV’s – $20.00; Old Tube CRT Computer Monitors – $10.00; Microwaves – $5.00; Exercise Equipment – $5.00
Items they will accept include: Computers, Laptops, Monitors, Printers, Circuit Boards, Servers, Modems, Scanners, Hard Drives, Cables, Keyboards, Mice, Power Cords/Wires, All Electronics, TV’s, Stereos, VCR’s, DVD’s, Power Tools, Small Appliances, Gaming Systems, Cameras, Exercise Equipment, Telephones and much more…
Items they do not accept include: Household Batteries, Light Bulbs, Large Appliances and anything with Freon
Cash and Checks Only…NO Credit Cards will be Accepted!!
For more information, contact the Director of Public Works at (262) 472-0560 or email at