UW-Whitewater planning for return of students, faculty and staff in the fall
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater announced that departments across both the Whitewater and Rock County campuses are planning for the return of students, faculty and staff for the Fall 2020 semester.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, university leaders have actively assessed the ability to return UW-Whitewater to a modified normal. The intent is to provide learning and living experiences that are as safe as they can be given the challenges of the world in which everyone is operating.
“Our first priority has always been, and remains, providing for the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff,” said Chancellor Dwight C. Watson. “To provide safe environments for all members of our community, we will follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s guidelines, along with those of the state and local health departments, the State of Wisconsin and the UW System. It is our intention to have students, faculty and staff return to both campuses in the fall. Exactly how that looks is still being established as we seek advice from faculty and staff on safety protocols, lowering classroom density, and self-protection. However, at this time, we plan to have our residence halls open, and teaching will resume in the classroom in modified and flexible ways.”
UW-Whitewater will hold a town hall meeting through Webex Events at 11 a.m. Tuesday, June 9 to discuss this decision. In addition, a website is being created to serve as a central information hub on all aspects of the return to campus.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every aspect of our lives and it will alter nearly every aspect of our operations at UW-Whitewater,” Watson said. “Regardless of those changes, we remain an institution committed to its values and to its mission to serve our students. That commitment has not changed — nor will it change.”
For more details, including the chancellor’s full message, visit: https://announcements.uww.edu/Announcement/Details/16575
Press release provided by UW-Whitewater University Marketing and Communications