UWWTV Takes Home 5 Awards at Annual Wisconsin Broadcasters Association Student Awards for Excellence
UWWTV always strives for excellence, and on Saturday some of that hard work was recognized at the annual Wisconsin Broadcasters Association (WBA) Student Awards for Excellence in Madison.
Taking home five different awards where:
Buck Brackman who took home first place honors in the category of Promo/PSA/Commercial for his GAMED (UW-Whitewater student organization) advertisement.
Also winning first place honors in the category of website, where Brandon Albright and Brian Schanen for their work on UWWTV’s website.
Karlee Nimmer, along with Andrea Sidlauskas, and Amanda Skrzypchak brought home second place in Sports Programing Non Play-By-Play for UWWTV’s pre-game show – Warhawk Sports Saturday.
Nimmer, along with Emily Kolosso, received a third place certificate also in Sports Programing Non Play-By-Play, for their work on UWWTV’s weekly sports show – PEOMIOSFYRDS.
Taking home third place honors for their play-by-play commentary during the UW-Whitewater vs. Linfield game last December, where Andrew Mindham and Joe Walsh.
Students attending the conference also spent the morning attending various workshops and discussions. Workshops covered: field production engineering, social media, ethics, and much more. Overall everyone had a great time, and learned a lot.